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“It’s amazing how God turns people around”

– Jennifer

“You don’t need to be a ‘former Protestant’ to pray the Rosary. I’m a very active

current Lutheran andI’ve been praying the Rosary for years.

We’re on the same team. We wear the same Jersey for Jesus Christ.”

– Mike

“Dick and Mary, this looks fantastic!”

– Bishop Ricken

“I missed the showing but heard from a friend of a different faith it was extremely powerful.”

– Joan

“Fantastic conversion story!”

– Susan


“We watched on EWTN recently and thought it was wonderful” – Joe

“I am thinking of using this DVD as part of a Rosary seminar for my parish St. John Vianney” – James

“It was wonderful – inspired” – Sheldon

“I recently viewed the movie, Power in my Hands.  It was fantastic! “ – Karen

“I watched on EWTN. Powerful movie. I am also going to purchase 2 copies. 1 to keep and one to share.” – Mary

“Just watched the film. It was well done and I will buy a copy for our bible study to watch.” – Susan


“Thank you for doing this great work too. The world can use so much more of this…”

– Chris

“I’m going to see if I can find some copies, buy them and give them to my relatives! It was that good!”

– Jan

“I was able to see Power In My Hands on EWTN this week!

What a great and powerful testament to the Rosary. I am spreading the information!

– Mary

“Powerful testimony!”
– Estela

“I wanted to send a little message to congratulate you on the completion of your film!

All the love, time and energy to put together a film for Our Lady! May God bless you abundantly.”

– Erin


“I went to the Houston Premier of your movie last Thursday night and it’s the

second time in my life Our Lady has given me such a great, powerful realization and gift.”

– Lym

“I think it would be a great film for parents & young adults!”

– Elizabeth

“Ok thank you so much! We really need this movie right now, so many people just

do not understand how real and POWERFUL our God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are…

and also how Amazing and Powerful our Mother is! And how much they LOVE us!”

– Debbie

“Just purchased! Wish everyone could see this!”

– Kym

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