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The following article was written by Joseph Pronechen at National Catholic Register

Familiar figures inspire us, move us, show us hope and what we must do to achieve it in this riveting film.

“After two-and-a-half-years in production, the film Power in My Hands had two power-packed premieres in April — the world premiere in Milwaukee followed by the West Coast premiere in Los Angeles. The message is as timely as today and ancient as a millennium ago.”

To read full article on NCRegister.com, Click Here

The following article was written by Catholicmom.com

“With an enthusiastic endorsement from their episcopal and spiritual advisors, the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate has produced the film, Power In My Hands, that will unveil the beauty and power of the Rosary in response to the prevailing spiritual crisis in our culture in America and beyond. This film is a story of hope and the power of prayer.”

Read full article on Caholicmom.com Click Here

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