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“I saw the premiere of this unbelievable documentary.”
– Scott

“So thankful we were at the premiere showing.”
– Lori

“A beautiful testimony to the power of the Rosary!”
– Cece

– Ann

“Watched this last night at my church. Wonderful video
with a powerful message!”
– Anne

“This is an awesome story Father Calloway is a great”
– Joan

“Awesome movie.”
– Genevieve


“Phenomenal story!”
– Lucinda

The rosary gives you power in your hands. It is truly amazing!”
– Joan

“Thank you for this movie, much needed in this time.”
– Stella

“So good. Needs to be seen”
– Ann

“Hello! I just watched the movie in Hayward, WI! It was amazing. I was wondering if you could
provide me with a list of the songs from the movie—the soundtrack was beautiful!”
– Rachel

“Inspiring stories. Amen.”
– Walter

“Watched Power in my Hands Movie. Very powerful.”
– Peggy

“Great movie – got it.”


“I went to the Houston Premier of your movie last Thursday night and it’s the

second time in my life Our Lady has given me such a great, powerful realization and gift.”

– Lym

“I think it would be a great film for parents & young adults!”

– Elizabeth

“Ok thank you so much! We really need this movie right now, so many people just

do not understand how real and POWERFUL our God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are…

and also how Amazing and Powerful our Mother is! And how much they LOVE us!”

– Debbie

“Just purchased! Wish everyone could see this!”

– Kym

“This a powerful movie…enjoyed it so much and have watched it a couple of times”

– Taryn

“We love the DVD – Power in My Hands. We have sponsored several

viewings within our parish already.”

– Renee

“A powerful movie and a must see for all, especially Catholics who may not have

a devotion to the Holy Rosary, the spiritual weapon for our day”

– Anthony

“Thank you so very much for this great apostolate you are involved in.”

– Sister Denise

“It will be my primary gift to my loved ones this Christmas. Such a great movie!

– Laurie

“That should be a great inspiration to all the football men!!”

– Susan

The following article was written by Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki, Archbishop of Milwaukee

“Last Thursday evening, I attended another premiere showing. This time, it was closer to home, both in distance and to my heart. The film was “The Power In My Hands,” a testimonial tribute to the Rosary. It was the creation of the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate, Dick and Terry Boldin, with tremendous technical advice from Margie Mandli. The film presented a number of testimonials to the Rosary from all walks of life (a football star, a family, a young married couple, a mother, deacons, a lay evangelizer), and even some recognizable members of our archdiocese who attribute the power of the Rosary to the transformation and shaping of their lives.”

To read the full article at archmil.org, Click Here

The following article was written by Joseph Pronechen at National Catholic Register

Familiar figures inspire us, move us, show us hope and what we must do to achieve it in this riveting film.

“After two-and-a-half-years in production, the film Power in My Hands had two power-packed premieres in April — the world premiere in Milwaukee followed by the West Coast premiere in Los Angeles. The message is as timely as today and ancient as a millennium ago.”

To read full article on NCRegister.com, Click Here

The following article was written by Catholicmom.com

“With an enthusiastic endorsement from their episcopal and spiritual advisors, the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate has produced the film, Power In My Hands, that will unveil the beauty and power of the Rosary in response to the prevailing spiritual crisis in our culture in America and beyond. This film is a story of hope and the power of prayer.”

Read full article on Caholicmom.com Click Here

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